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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Saluting our Veterans who risked their lives to defend the Constitution

Published in Blog on November 10, 2023 by Laurie Wheeler

On this day of memory, COS Virginia honors our veterans, heroes who fought tyranny abroad so we could remain free in America.

Their commitment to liberty wasn't about their military career, but their military career was about their commitment to liberty. 

Because of the enduring sacrifice of our veterans, we have the freedom today to continue to defend the principles the Framers put into the Constitution.

Convention of States Virginia is supported by over 10,000 veterans, many of whom now actively volunteer with COS to spread the news that we can use Article V of the Constitution to address government corruption in Washington, D.C. in order to maintain our domestic freedoms.

Others proclaim the COS message because they lived in the home of a veteran, as I did, and are thus inspired to spread that message of freedom.

It's our lifeblood. It's who we are, because of the example set by the veterans who have gone before us.

When I recently sent an eblast to our Virginia supporters to request veterans photos (in uniform), I received many pictures and stories. 

Please see these pictures and read their stories in our Veterans' Photo Album, by clicking the image below. (the stories that were provided are in the comment section of the corresponding photos)


Virginia Veterans

 Following is one of these stories from Army veteran and COS supporter Bill Kilcullen:

Things have really changed since I served on active duty in terms of honor and respect for military service.

It’s good to see people remembering that veterans didn’t take an oath to a president or a government but an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign, and domestic.

As we all know, it is the domestic enemies that are in the forefront today and I know the 19 plus million veterans like me have not been relieved of the duty inherent to that oath.
We applaud the efforts of all of the COS members, supporters and volunteers and will gladly stand next to you to defend the Constitution still today.  

I was blessed to be able to be part of something so much larger than myself by serving 4 years in the United States Army.  

I would not trade one moment of that time for anything else in the world.

The day I was sworn in and took my oath is as clear today as it was back in 1974, my eyes full of tears as I remembered the words of President Kennedy: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. 

I will continue to tell anyone who will listen that our greatest hope for a peaceful resolution to regaining freedoms for ourselves and our children and their children is to support the Convention of States!

Bill, thank you! Thank you to all the veterans!

If it wasn't for our veterans who constitutionally protected our country from tyranny abroad, we wouldn't have any freedom today to constitutionally protect our country from the encroaching federal government that is running rampant today.

Fighting for freedom is a story as old as time.

We were never destined to give up.

Our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us the freedom for which they risked their own lives, fortunes, and sacred honors.

In return our Founders expected us to carry the torch with eternal vigilance.

No matter how bad things become, it is not our destiny to sit back to watch history play out.

Instead we are to become history by standing up to tyrants at home and abroad.

Thank you, to the heroic veterans who open the door to our opportunity to be eternally vigilant at home.

(If you would like your veteran photo, preferably in uniform, included in the album, send it and your story to

Sign the petition to call for an Article V convention!

2,594,979 signatures

Petition your state legislator

Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to act as a final check on abuses of power by Washington, DC. Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention to proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington DC.

I support Convention of States; a national movement to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

I want our state to be one of the necessary 34 states to pass a resolution calling for this kind of an Article V convention. You can find a copy of the model resolution and the Article V Pocket Guide (which explains the process and answers many questions) here:

I ask that you support Convention of States and consider becoming a co-sponsor. Please respond to my request by informing the national COS team of your position, or sending them any questions you may have: or (540) 441-7227.

Thank you so much for your service to the people of our district.

Respectfully, [Your Name]

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Provide your full address and we will deliver your petition directly to your state legislators now and again during the legislative sessions, Free of Charge. We Protect your privacy.

We welcome all US citizens to support our movement by signing the petition. To deliver the petition to your state legislators, you must enter your full address, which must be within one of the 50 states. For military personnel serving overseas, or for expatriates, enter your Voting Residence Address .

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