Radio host Rich Zeoli has been a longtime supporter of the Convention of States Project, and he took to the airwaves recently to encourage his listeners to stand up and do something about the out-of-control federal government.
"You want change? You want to do something productive? Support the Convention of States. Urge your legislators to pass it," he said. "It would invoke things like term limits. It could return control of the Senate to the states. There are legitimate, reasonable things that are being proposed."
Zeoli understands that those who truly love our country and our Constitution won't give up. They'll do everything in their power to restore power to We the People and make the federal government work for us -- not the other way around.
"We the People have lost control of our federal government. It's too powerful. But we're never going to have Congress pass term limits. You need a Convention of States to do that," he said.
"I love this country and I love the Constitution, and I have been fighting for the Convention of States for years for that reason."
Zeoli isn't alone. Dozens of national leaders have endorsed the Convention of States movement, and over 5 million Americans have voiced their support.
A Convention of States is called under Article V of the Constitution and has the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government. These amendments can also impose term limits on federal officials and mandate fiscal responsibility in Congress.
To join the movement (and follow Zeoli's advice by telling your legislators you support the Article V movement), sign the petition below.