The men and women of our armed forces understand something that federal politicians never will: how to serve something bigger than themselves.
Most of our elected officials in Washington lack the sacrifice, dedication, and patriotism required to risk life and limb for a greater good. They may go to D.C. with good intentions, but those intentions are soon swallowed up by greed, ambition, and power.
That's what Convention of States volunteer and retired Army lieutenant colonel Gayle McCowin explained to a Maryland state legislative committee.
"They go to Washington with the greater good of the citizens in mind, but over time, citizens' confidence in Congress has been on a rapid decline. The federal government has become much larger than our Founders intended," she explained. "With each new initiative comes the need for money... with my tax dollars going towards federal solutions when many of these problems could be solved right here at the state level."
Want to join patriots like Gayle in your state? Sign the Convention of States Petition below!