We have lifetime appointees in the federal government in the form of all the folks who draw a paycheck from the state but never have to answer to anybody.
During a recent interview on COS Live with host Rita Peters, Minnesota Rep. Walter Hudson questioned the effectiveness of adding a term limits amendment to the Constitution without keying in on the staffers, agency leaders, and other government employees who hide behind the scenes with no accountability to the people who fund their careers. Hudson believes that any form of term limits must address the unelected bureaucracy in order to be truly effective.
"If we only limit the terms of Congress, of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and we don't address the deep state, the rot bureaucracy, and the fact that you have effectively lifetime appointees... then are we really functionally, meaningfully limiting the real problem, the scope and depth of government? I don't think we are," he voiced.
Hudson's viewpoint is widely shared, which is why the Convention of States Application for an Article V convention is specifically written with term limit possibilities for not only members of Congress but also for unelected bureaucrats.
The Convention of States Resolution has passed in 19 states to date, and more states are expected to call for an Article V convention in the months ahead. To support this liberty-loving cause, add your name to the COS petition below.