The incompetence and corruption of our elected officials in D.C. isn't anything new to those who follow the goings-on in our nation's capital. But a recent poll from Gallup indicates that a growing number of Americans are realizing the problems caused by the federal government.
According to the polling company, thirty-five percent of Americans name the government, poor leadership or politicians as the greatest problem facing the U.S. This is the highest percentage Gallup has recorded for this concern, edging out the previous high of 33% during the 2013 federal government shutdown.
Americans have been naming "government" as our country's biggest problem since 1964, but prior to 2001, the highest percentage mentioning government was 26% during the Watergate scandal.
That means the current measure is the highest in the last 55 years.
And this isn't a partisan feeling. According to Gallup, Democrats and Republicans are equally likely to name "government" as our most serious issue.
Mentions of the government have become more frequent among all party groups in recent months -- especially Republicans, among whom there has been a 14-point increase in mentions of the government this past month.
While Democrats were more likely than Republicans to name government and leadership as the top problem facing the nation in the year leading up to the latest poll, both party groups are now about as likely to name government as the top U.S. problem.
Clearly, we're in trouble, but this isn't a problem D.C. is likely to fix. That's why the people and the states must take the lead with an Article V Convention of States.
A Convention of States is controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can tackle some of the most serious issues plaguing our nation's capital by limiting the power of the federal government, imposing fiscal restraints on Congress, and instituting term limits for federal officials.
It's time to return to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's time to call a Convention of States.
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