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to call for a

Convention of States!


Reason #1: The "Honorable" Maxine Waters

Published in Blog on May 26, 2018 by William Collins

Maxine Waters has been in Washington, D.C. for 28 years. Even that length of tenure pales in comparison to 100 of her colleagues who have combined years of "service" (House and Senate) that exceed 36 years. They will never voluntarily leave. 

Some members of Congress are honorable and serve their constituents and the country well. Unfortunately this is not the case for most of Congress today. They become permanent residents in Washington, D.C. and completely forget what its like to live in the real world.

Maxine Wates
I'm not going anywhere!

Their main goal is to empower and enrich themselves. They are masters at manipulating people to vote them into power for decades. Maxine Waters is one of these master manipulators. She is the quintessential poster girl of everything wrong with Congress.

She has been in office for 28 years. In that time she has accused Bush 41 and Trump of being racists. She attempted to impeach Bush 43, Vice President Dick Chaney and is actively trying to impeach President Trump.

She defended the actions of looters and murderers of the Rodney King Watts Riots, 1992, as “understandable if not acceptable.” In 1996 she accused the CIA of attempting to kill blacks in L.A. by addicting them to crack cocaine.

Four times she has been listed as one of the most Corrupt members of Congress, and she is an unapologetic supporter of the late Fidel Castro and Louis Farrakhan. When Castro visited the Harlem Riverside Church in 2000 She led the chant "VIVA FIDEL!" 

In 2001 she attended the Nation of Islam Convention to hear Louis Farakhan praise Palestinian suicide bombers. They later conferenced togther.

Regardless of her record her constituents continue to send her back to do more damage. The longer she “serves,” the more power she acquires. Politicians like Ms. Waters will never vote to limit their tenures.

She is what our Founding Fathers feared would happen to our republic. They provided Article V of the Constitution to correct problems like Maxine Waters. It’s time to call your state representatives and demand they call for a Convention of States.


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