Our Convention of States Delaware team attended the “Rally for our Rights” held by Women’s Defense Coalition on April 11 at the New Castle Court House Museum.
Between 300-500 people attended from all over the state. The focus of the rally was on protecting our Second Amendment rights. We were able to share the mission of Convention of States with many people and we had 31 people sign our petition!
Those who attended the rally are tired of the ways in which our federal government continues to impinge on our rights including our right to bear arms. We had many people approach our COS table interested in how an Article V Convention of States can limit the power of the federal government and prevent the restrictions being made to our God-given rights.
We handed out literature about the COS organization and fliers explaining what is involved in calling a Convention of States.
Several women spoke at the rally about how guns provide them and their children with safety, primarily by allowing them to defend themselves from abusive ex-husbands who disregard their court ordered PFAs (protection from abuse). If it weren’t for their right to bear arms they and their children would live in constant fear.
The knowledge that the women have a gun and know how to use it prevents the abusive husband and father from ignoring the PFA against him and attempting to enter their home.
We were able to explain to many interested people about Convention of States and how it is found in Article V of the Constitution and allows for the states to call for a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution.
We addressed the fact that our federal legislators certainly aren’t going to make changes to the laws to limit their own power, and thus these changes need to come from the states.
We were able to share with those attending the rally the three subject matter areas under the Convention of States resolution: fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limiting the terms of office for federal officials and for members of Congress.
It was a very encouraging day meeting like-minded Delawareans, discussing solutions to our country’s troubles, and listening to women tell their stories about the importance of the Second Amendment to them and their kids.