After the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s home on Monday, many Americans worried that our federal government had degraded into a banana republic, using systems of justice for partisan attacks against its political opponents.
“If it feels as though all the institutions are set up in opposition to one political party and to one guy, how do you think that’s going to work out,” asked political commentator Ben Shapiro. “Is that going to allow us to move forward as a country, or is it going to rip apart the country?”
Others, however, took a different approach to the controversy. Several political elites, in particular, praised the attack.
Former Barack Obama campaign chair John Cooper tweeted, "I slept great last night. Donald Trump, not so much."
"Trump incited a terrorist attack on our Capitol- his house being raided is nothing compared to what he deserves," asserted CNN contributor Dean Obeidallah.
Perhaps the crudest celebration of the raid came from the Trump-hating late-night host Stephen Colbert. “It may be hot outside, but in here it’s Christmas. Because yesterday, we all got the present we wanted: FBI agents raided Mar-a-Lago. Oh, mwah! That is the most beautiful sentence America has ever produced. It’s right up there with ‘We put cheese inside the crust.’”
“So we know the raid happened,” the so-called comedian ranted. “We still don’t know why the raid happened because we don’t yet know what was in the warrant. Think about that: We’re talking about the former President of the United States of America. The FBI raids his home and all I can think is, which of his crimes they’re investigating, cause he’s done so many. It’s hard. At this point, he can’t keep track. ‘Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?’ ‘Let’s see, the body’s in my trunk? The meth in the glove compartment? The back seat full of illegal spider monkeys who definitely got into the meth? Oh, it’s the busted tail light? I was kidding about the other stuff.’"
What elites like Colbert don’t realize is that the American people have lost trust in government institutions such as the FBI. From the very moment Trump became a serious contender for the presidency, the deep state in Washington has been pitted against him. For more than four years, the president dodged politically charged, drummed up accusations that ultimately did more to discredit his accusers than the accused himself.
For the American people, it’s nearly impossible to believe the FBI raided Trump’s home for legitimate purposes. Recent polling from the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action confirm that a majority of Republicans and Independents believe that Trump’s enemies are behind the FBI raid on his home and that it was not a reasonable step to pursue justice. Additionally, majorities of Republicans and Independents believe the raid moves America further away from being a freedom-based democratic republic.
“If they can use the federal government to punish their political enemies, we no longer live in a nation governed by the rule of law,” warned Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States.
Our political elites refuse to understand this, which means it is now our responsibility to do something about it.
This is so much bigger than Trump; this is about ensuring Americans are free to act upon their political beliefs without fear of retaliation from a corrupt, overbearing administrative state. Thankfully, Convention of States - a constitutional solution by which the states can take power from the federal government and return it to the people - enables us to do just that.
It’s time to take action. To show your support for the historic movement, sign the COS petition below!
Political elites celebrate FBI raid on Trump's home, American voters feel differently
Published in Blog on August 10, 2022 by Jakob Fay