Just when you thought the "elite" in D.C. couldn't lie any more blatantly, they say something like this.
Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Friday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is not a "political issue" for Democrats.
"It isn't for us a political issue. It isn't something that we fan the flame of. We just want them to have the investigation so the integrity of the court is upheld and the respect for the woman making the allegations is there, and that should be in every case," she said.
"For us, it's so much bigger than politics or elections," Pelosi continued. "It's about America and who we are, and it's about women coming forward."
A Convention of States can't stop people like Pelosi from lying to the American people. But it can ensure that liars in D.C. don't have as much power.
Article V allows the states to call a convention for the purpose of "proposing amendments" to the U.S. Constitution. These amendments can limit the power and jurisdiction of all branches of the federal government, mandate term limits, and impose fiscal restraints on Congress.
The circus in D.C. needs a wake-up call, and We the People are preparing to give them one with an Article V Convention of States. Sign your name to the petition below to get involved.