With the recent court challenges to Obamacare, there's been lots of talk about the healthcare system in our country and how to fix it.
But how did our problems begin? As medical doctor and former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn explains in the video below, we started down the wrong path as soon as we allowed the government to separate the cost of a medical procedure from the payment.
We can fix this problem, but the solution won't come from D.C. The best medicine for our ailing system will come from the people, the states, and an Article V Convention of States.
A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that get the feds out of healthcare. Once D.C. can no longer legislate on health, those decisions will transfer back to the states and the people, where local communities can implement the systems that work best for their constituents.
Federal bureaucrats will only make the problem worse. It's time for We the People take back control of our most important decisions.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to show your support!