West Salem Wisconsin Patriots recently ignited local growth in an effort to return to self-governance! Local Convention of States (COS) supporters organized and promoted their own Informational Meeting. This was true local organic growth on fire. The closest COS District Captain to West Salem, Ernie Thackeray supported the West Salem effort. Local West Salem Patriots did much of the work for the Informational Meeting.
West Salem is located in La Crosse County along with the city of La Crosse, WI which trends liberal1. But that is changing.
A July 2022 Trafalgar poll2 revealed that 66% of Americans support a Convention of States. That’s huge. The breakdown by political party is 81% of Republicans, 63% of Independents, and 51% of Democrats. Even Democrats are fed up. They are igniting now, using knowledge and information in an organized way.
The meeting was driven by 3 Convention of States supporters from the West Salem area. Marlene Tolkinsen led the local effort. They wanted an Informational Meeting which provides more in-depth information than a table at a gun show. Informational Meetings also typically contain a question-and-answer period at the end of a presentation. The focus is to ignite information into local knowledge.
Knowledge is power, and knowledge is the best weapon we American have. We must insist on 100% transparency on how our Federal Government is operating to add to the reservoir of knowledge we currently possess.
The local West Salem team had the idea for the Informational Meeting, found the meeting location, placed meeting fliers in local towns and made over 500 personal phone calls to advertise the February 8th meeting.
Betty Stoltenberg WI DC Team member worked to get meeting announcements in 3 different newspapers, providing circulation in two counties.
All the preparation worked out, 44 people attended the meeting, which is exceptional given the generally liberal area.
The Informational Meeting presentation was 45 minutes long, and included videos, pictures, and slides personally crafted by Ernie Thackeray, WI District Captain. The question-and-answer session following the presentation was exceptionally engaged, lasting 45 minutes.
The 3 most active leaders of this meeting were educated by previous Informational Meetings that Ernie and Betty organized. Each drove 20-30 miles one way several times to come to Informational Meetings held in the recent past.
Their efforts produced excellent results; 25 citizens signed the Convention of States petition. Notice of the petition is sent to each citizen’s WI State Assembly person and WI State Senator. This is in addition to the 48,000 plus petitions Wisconsin COS Supporters have signed so far.
These organic local growth efforts are all the more impressive in light of the fact that Wisconsin passed the COS Resolution as the 16th State, just over a year ago, sparking 3 more States to pass!
The West Salem Patriots know our work in Wisconsin is not finished. We are just one-third of the way there.
A. The first third is to pass as a State. Completed on January 25, 2022.
B. The second third is to get to 34 States by growing the grassroots.
C. The last third is to ratify the amendments coming out of the convention.
To accomplish this huge cause, we need more people educated on Convention of States and how it can help restore us to self-governance.
Ernie, Betty and the whole Wisconsin Convention of States Team are very impressed with these West Salem Patriots. The efforts they have made to ignite local support by “Growing the Largest Grassroots Army of Engaged Self-Governing Citizens” this country has ever seen happens to be Convention of States Mission Statement!
Convention of States Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Convention of States Action is a 501 (c) (4) nonprofit organization and does not support or endorse any party or candidate. Convention of States Action is focused on educating the public on specific issues.
1-https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/city/wisconsin/la_crosse - La Crosse County, WI is Somewhat liberal. In La Crosse County, WI 55.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 42.3% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 2.0% voted Independent.
2- Trafalgar Group Poll, July 2022 www.thetrafalgargroup.org Nationwide Issues Survey, Partnered with Convention of States Action, Likely General Election Voters, Confidence 95%, Margin of Error 2.9%