On February 10, Sam McDonald (state legislative liaison), accompanied by Rick Moessner (regional captain, Upstate) and Sheila Reiland (regional captain, Waxhaws), updated a record crowd (over 100 attendees) at the Oconee County Republican Women’s monthly lunch meeting about the Convention of States grassroots movement. Sam began with a brief summary of Article V and why George Mason added the ability of the states to call a convention if the federal government got out of control with power.
Sam followed with a poll of the audience asking what they were currently most concerned about regarding the federal government. All of the answers were focused on term limits, fiscal responsibility and restraint of federal powers. He then showed the audience the original Constitution and the current 3000 page book that is our current Constitution. The audience was astounded.
As a wrap up, Sam shared the progress nationally and then the state of the process in South Carolina. A number of attendees signed petitions and several expressed interest in traveling to Columbia for upcoming events.
Join over 49,000+ petition signers and supporters in South Carolina. We are growing!