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to call for a

Convention of States!


Spotlight on District Captain: John Vicenti

Published in Blog on March 24, 2021 by John Rex

John Vicenti is an American patriot. 

His resume is an impressive record of service to this nation. With service to his nation in his heart, he decided to join the Convention of States Florida team as a leader in his district.

John learned about COS watching Sean Hannity.

"That led to searching for COS, where I signed the petition," John said. Wanting to help America, he hit the "Take Action" button.

His military career of 34 years began in 1987 and included 11 years active duty, retiring only last year as an Air Force Reservist.

After active duty, John was part of the New York Fire Department. He was on duty when the events of 9/11 took place. He knew many of those who made the ultimate sacrifice on that day in the service of others. Today, John volunteers for the American Red Cross of South Florida.

As a COS Volunteer, John is a District Captain and oversees four districts: 95, 96, 97, and 99. His stated goals are a list which demonstrate true leadership and dedication:

  1. Build teams that work together for a stronger support network.
  2. Reach out to all who clicked the Volunteer button in his districts to find out why they signed the petition and ask them to volunteer.
  3. Find four Aces. His quest is to locate other volunteers who want to be on the District Captain Team.
  4. Reach three new people each day with referral link.

"Here's what I'm doing in my district," he explained. "My approach is to consider how I became a volunteer and how many people out there just need someone to reach out and invite them to join the team." 

With vast life experience building teams, "utilizing both phone communication and advanced IT skills, I want to build strong teams that will continue long after me."

John is planning on attending the Rally in Tally on April 15 and requesting a meeting with his legislator. As a good leader, John is actively seeking to engage with the volunteers within his four districts, so he can become a Regional Captain.

This is a man that has something worth imitating. His kind of skills and dedication are essential to the success of any organization. Follow this example! Sign up today.

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