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Nancy Pelosi's husband just made millions betting on Amazon stock. How'd he do it?

Published in Blog on July 23, 2021 by Mark Ellis

Boy, if I were Martha Stewart, I’d be frothing at the mouth right now.

I don’t know if you remember it, but Martha wound up going to jail back in 2001 for doing insider trading. Insider trading is the buying or selling of publicly-traded stock by someone who has non-public material information about that stock.

Now, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, has made an amazing windfall of $5.3 million from Amazon stock options. About a month before the Pentagon announced that it would move from Microsoft to Amazon cloud services for a defense initiative, Paul Pelosi bought call options on Amazon stock.

The reason why this has drawn so much attraction from the mainstream press is two-fold: make it look like the press is bringing to light the “unusual windfall” of Madame Speaker’s husband while telling us it is normal and legitimate.

And yes, these anomalies in the stock trading world happen once in a while to active stock traders. 

However, the mainstream press left out some important pieces of information. As reported by Breitbart News, Mr. Pelosi had past disclosure statements that indicated he had a history of buying Amazon call options at key points of the Amazon purchase by the government. Back in 2017, the Pentagon started looking for a cloud solution that could enable faster access and data exchange. Of course, the government had to come up with a cute acronym – “Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure” or “JEDI”.

(By the way -- I’m so glad our government is spending even more money on these new surveillance toys. The Pentagon is a mere 3 to 4 miles away from the Capitol Building, where the “horrible insurrection” of January 6th took place. Despite a solid week of massive protest before January 6th, they had no idea that anything could happen. Not only that, but the CIA and Secret Service were clueless, too. Boy, I’m sure glad they’re investing in more technology to protect us.)  

Here’s a breakdown of events that enabled the amazing Mr. Pelosi to make his windfall of $5.3 million.

  • July 26th, 2018, the Pentagon issued its final request for proposal (RFP) for the JEDI program.
  • July 27th, 2018, the amazing Mr. Pelosi made the first purchase of Amazon call options.
  • October 12th, 2018 a disclosure stated he would buy more call options, potentially worth $6,000.000.
  • 2019 Pelosi purchased Amazon stocks.
  • April 2021, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks said it was “reviewing” the JEDI contract (Microsoft was supposed to be the beneficiary of the JEDI contract at that time because it had already won the contract twice.)
  • In May of 2021, he purchased more Amazon.
  • July 6th, 2021, The Pentagon cancels its JEDI contract with Microsoft and hires Amazon making Mr. Pelosi is a big winner.

Once again, this is another perk and benefit of the Belt-Way Insiders Club. While the average American is going further into debt, inflation is way up, and hardworking farmers can’t make ends meet, the profits keep rolling in for the D.C. elite.

One of the main reasons we need to exercise Article V of the Constitution is to propose term limits on career politicians. The average American is led around by these con artists, whose only desire is to see their legacies, power, and bank accounts grow unchallenged.

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Mark Ellis is the State Communications Coordinator for Convention of States Kentucky.

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