2022 has been an extraordinary year for the Convention of States Project! Four states have already passed the COS resolution just this year and our grassroots army is hard at work to ensure that at least two more do the same before the end of the legislative session.
This is a crucial moment in COS history, which means it has never been more important that YOU are equipped to defend our mission.
Mark Meckler recently spoke at an Ohio hearing on Convention of States where he skillfully confronted our opponents with reason and logic. His testimony was powerful and an absolute must-watch for anyone hoping to equip themselves with the ability to articulately defend Convention of States.
As Mark said, “this country is going to collapse. It’s not an “if.” It’s a “when,” if we continue on this trajectory. And the real question today that you have to ask yourselves is what role will you play in the historical pantheon. Because we have a choice to make."
This truly is a crucial moment not just in COS history but in American history. To take a stand against federal tyranny, sign the petition below!
MUST WATCH: Mark Meckler defends COS from opponents
Published in Blog on June 09, 2022 by Convention of States