Those who want to tear down our country and build something new in its place have seized on a pernicious lie: that our country was founded illegitimately on racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.
This is why we see "protesters" tear down statues of our founding fathers along with those of confederate generals. It isn't enough to denounce slavery and those who supported it -- our entire country's history must be torn down.
Convention of States co-founder Mike Farris tackled these lies head-on in a recent graduation speech he made at Patrick Henry College. It's a lengthy address, but it's one of the best defenses of our country you'll hear, and it's worth watching in its entirety.
"The wisdom and even acceptability of the founders of this nation is under direct assault," Farris told the graduates. "I want to address this challenge and hopefully provide you all with an apologetic, so that you can defend... the very foundations of our country."
The federal government will play a crucial role in this attempt to overthrow our nation's founding principles. The Supreme Court has given Washington, D.C., enormous power, and they'll use that power to restrict our rights, re-educate our children, and remake our nation in the image of big-government socialists.
We can't let that happen, and the best defense against this takeover is a Convention of States.
An Article V Convention of States is controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can reverse the court decisions that have given the federal government its power and restore our nation to its original federalist structure.
With the power balanced evenly between the feds and the states, socialists and other big-government activists won't be able to remake our country simply by taking over the federal government in national elections. We the People will retain our rightful place in our nation's system of governance, and our children and grandchildren will continue to enjoy the freedom and prosperity we've enjoyed for the last 244 years.
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