Meet Terry Walker, a retired Navy veteran who deployed 11 times around the world. He has stood on every continent except Antarctica. Terry was an immigrant child from Canada, who moved to Pompano Beach, Florida, at the age of 10.
Terry joined the Convention of States movement after learning of Article V from Mark Levin's radio program. He signed the petition and clicked the "I want to Volunteer" button. Terry was invited to serve as the Florida Veterans Coalition Coordinator by then-State Director Michelle Laflamme. Since then, Florida has grown to about 4,800 Vets in the coalition.
We invite you to join other veterans across the USA, who are standing up for the Constitution. It is called Veterans for COS, and it is so easy to join.
Sign in on the website and highlight the top right for your profile. Scroll down to the bottom and choose Veterans For COS.
In Florida a special day to honor veterans was held in Otter Springs at Vet Fest. Camp Valor sponsored this event, a new non-profit that supports disabled vets with housing and services (soon to build residences on 46 acres in the area).
Veterans Coalition Coordinator Terry Walker spent the day at a Camp Valor event with fellow vets at a Convention of States informational table at the park alongside our State Director Rich Simo.
We are so grateful for American heroes who continue to protect and defend America and the U.S. Constitution. In the video below, hear from veterans across the country who are standing up for our founding principles by joining the Convention of States Project.