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Marxism in the Military (Part 2): The Dangers of a Marxist US Military

Published in Blog on June 14, 2021 by Robert Fischer

 A Marxist military is a great danger to our country. Part one of this two-part article addressed whether this idea is possible in today’s US Military. Not only is it possible, it is well underway! Now, we must address what a Marxist military means for us Patriots.


The only way for leftists to survive is to purge those who may give them trouble. Consequently, the first danger is a purging of all non-leftist thinking individuals and groups. 

“The chance of imposing a totalitarian regime on a whole people depends on the leader's first collecting round him a group which is prepared voluntarily to submit to that totalitarian discipline which they are to impose by force upon the rest. - Friedrich A. Hayek

Bishop Garrison, founder of the "1619 Project,” is the man tasked by the Biden administration with fighting “extremism” in the military. This hate-filled, radical race-obsessed man heads the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG), whose first task is to create a definition of extremism for the military. 

The CEWG have been tasked by President Biden and Secretary of Defense Austin to purge the military of Trump supporters in order to fight this "extremism." Garrison appeared at multiple leftist seminars and events vowing to defeat this "threat." 

In an official Defense Department Memo (April 9,2021) states the CEWG's task is to revise the definition of prohibited extremist activities. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson describes it as such:

  • Creating a reporting process for veterans to report any contact with “extremist groups” 
  • Changing the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) system to address extremism
  • Strengthen Insider Threat programs… to report concerning behaviors for both military and civilian personnel
  • Screen publicly available information (i.e. Year books, Social Media, websites, etc.) in accessions
  • Continuous vetting for National Security positions, incorporating algorithms and additional tracking into social media platforms (Twitter, TikTok, etc.)
  • Examine existing training to address “grey areas” addressed by commanders and supervisors such as reading, following, or liking extremist material and content on social media platforms
The McCarthy Trials

Leftists, once outraged over the question, "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party?", now ask "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Republican party?" To Garrison, "extremist" means Trump supporters and Republicans.

The Biden administration is plotting to transform the military by making national security inseparable from their leftist agenda. Garrison’s CEWG purge of the military is only the beginning. CEWG sets the terms for a new style of military leadership. Their allegiance is purely to the leftist program. Any officer who doesn’t support the leftist program becomes a threat to national security. 

Like Stalin’s purge of Soviet generals in the 1930s, Biden is undermining national security for political security, plotting to eliminate political opponents and transform the military into yet another leftist institution.


At the same time, socialists are using isolated shooting events around the country to create Red Flag Laws, which allow the Government to take away self-defense weapons on a whim. No self-defense weapons, no check on tyranny. Our 2nd Amendment rights are dissolving. In addition, the inflated Marxist view on the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot is being promulgated to tyrannize the many over the actions of a few.

Red Flag Laws Are an Affront to Liberty.

So what does that have to do with the US Military? I am pleased you asked! Our government used the January 6th protest on the Capitol to militarize and occupy the District. Remember the National Guard around the Capitol?

Do you think the leftist call for defunding or abolishing the police was a dreamed up, bone-headed fluke? Think again!

If there are no police around to control the violence that inherently comes with a leftist revolution, and if we have no guns to protect ourselves from tyranny, President Biden could easily bring in the “patriot-purged” military. That’s right, martial law! With martial law in place, the left can enforce total control…permanent occupation.

"Big Brother is Watching You!" (1984, George Orwell)


Political purging of a nation’s military is nothing new. Hitler did it, as did the USSR, where military units were assigned a Political Officer (Commissar or комиссáр) whose duty was to spy on, identify, and severely punish any military personnel who expressed even the slightest hint of opposition to communism.

The same kind of ideological cleansing of the military occurred under Mao, Castro, Chavez and the communist despots of the Soviet Bloc countries of Eastern Europe. Political purging of the military is carried out today in Russia, China, North Korea and every other authoritarian regime in the world.

As of Jan. 20, 2021, political purging of the military is occurring where such a totalitarian power grab once would have been unthinkable. Right here in America.


Representative Dan Crenshaw says it is time to take action against the left. He and Senator Tom Cotton have set up a Whistleblower Hotline so active military are protected should they choose to speak out against this purge. If you know something, speak out. 

We must take a firm stand against the left by uniting, speaking out, and exercising our rights and Constitutional tools provided to us by the Founders of our Country.

Citizens concerned for the future of our nation under a federal government that's increasingly bloated, corrupt, reckless, and invasive have a constitutional option: We can call an Article V Convention of States to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Be a 21st Century Patriot. Join us and sign the petition at Convention of States Action.


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