In a recent rousing address at Living Stones Church in Indiana, Convention of States President Mark Meckler sounded the alarm about rising Nazism and anti-Semitism in America, urging people of faith to be vigilant and depend on the Lord in the face of evil.
After sharing his personal testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ as a Jewish atheist at the age of 51, the former Tea Party Patriots leader shared hope that salvation is “out there for anybody,” no matter how young or old. Moreover, he connected the dots between receiving salvation and standing for what is right in a divided, hate-filled world.
As a Jewish Christian, Mark explained that he carries a burden for Israel following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against the Jewish state. “Jews will be wiped from the face of the earth without Israel,” he warned.
“What’s going on in Israel is horrific. What’s going on in America is horrific in regard to Israel right now,” he added. “Sixty-one years old, as a Jew in America, I have never felt unsafe — I don’t feel safe anymore…. We see people marching in the streets in favor of Hamas, an out-terrorist organization that admits that it has genocidal intentions towards the Jewish people, not just in Israel, but everywhere in the world.”
Mark pointed out that such behavior is Nazi-like — and it’s taking root in our country.
“It’s really important that every person in America — Jewish, Christian, or otherwise — understands the danger that we face right now. We actually live in a time — I never thought I would say this; it sounds crazy and hyperbolic — we live in a time of rising Nazism.”
“This is actually worse than Nazism,” he continued, noting that the Nazis hid their crimes, whereas Hamas promotes theirs openly. “And we… [as] decent human beings, have an obligation to openly stand against this.”
While such bleak words may make us uncomfortable, it is vital that we each — if we care about our families and the country — take a long, hard look at the condition of evil in America and equip ourselves, through faith in Jesus Christ, for the battle to come. To hear the rest of Mark’s address, watch the latest episode of The BattleCry below.
Mark Meckler sounds the alarm about rising Nazism
Published in Blog on December 05, 2023 by Jakob Fay