Convention of States Action President Mark Meckler appeared this week on Spicer & Co. to provide an update on the victories in Wisconsin and Nebraska.
He also used the opportunity to cast a vision. The Convention of States will be one of the most transformational events in our nation's history, but it won't be changing our nation as much as restoring it.
The Founders envisioned a small, limited federal government and robust, powerful state governments. As is obvious to all Americans, that vision has been flipped on its head.
A Convention of States can restore that original vision by proposing constitutional amendments that limit federal power, impose fiscal restraints on Congress, and mandate term limits for federal officials.
What do those sorts of amendments look like? Mark explained those details on the show.
"It involves things like a balanced budget amendment. You could impose generally accepted accounting principles. You could impose tax and spending caps. You could tell them, no you can't have a department of education or energy or environment -- things that were always intended to be handled by the state," Mark explained.
To join the movement, sign the Convention of States Petition below!