Before the successful passage of H3205 in the South Carolina House Constitutional Law Subcommittee, Mark Meckler spoke on Live 95.3 with former Lt. Governor Ken Ard on Wake Up Carolina in the Pee Dee area.
Ken asked Mark to explain where Convention of States was in the process and what an Article V convention could accomplish. Mark explained that Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives We the People the power to bring the states together to talk about restraining federal power. It takes 34 states to pass a like resolution. So far, 15 states have passed the resolution.
Mark further explained that there are three things that states can discuss under the Convention of States Action resolution. First, commissioners can consider solutions that would impose fiscal restraints on the federal government (e.g., balanced budget amendment, taxes and spending caps, imposing generally accepted accounting principles).
Second, the convention can propose term limits on federal officials, not just Congress (e.g., judiciary, staffers, and deep state). Lastly, the convention can propose scope or jurisdiction restraints on the federal government.
The federal government has intruded on states through the creation of unnecessary departments that control every aspect of our lives. Imposing restraints on the federal government would allow South Carolinians decide for themselves on how to handle local issues.
Mark further explained that states can only have a discussion and make suggestions during a convention. The convention itself cannot amend the Constitution. Any proposed amendments must go back to the states for ratification. Thirty-eight states are required to ratify any proposed amendment in order to amend the Constitution.
Ken asked Mark if Article V was the best chance to make changes to government. Mark replied that it is our only chance. Mark explained that D.C. is going to crash our country. We just added $1.9 trillion and are now almost $29 trillion in debt.
When people tell Mark, "We just need to elect better people," he asks them how that’s working for them. Elections have definitely proven to be ineffective.
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