Convention of States endorser and syndicated radio host Mark Levin explained the real takeaway from the Democratic debates Wednesday night. It's a systemic problem in both parties, but it was on display in full force during the debate.
“What they’re calling for, what they’re supporting, with the media’s help, would be rejected completely by the Founding Fathers. Now what’s going on here? Health care for all, health care for illegal aliens, decriminalize the border, guaranteed minimum income, guaranteed jobs. We are totally unmoored from limited government and our constitutional system. This is exactly why I’m a supporter of Convention of States and Article V.”
Levin reminded listeners that the modern Democratic ideology, utopianism, is exactly what he outlined in his 2012 book, “Ameritopia.” The full quote is worth a listen, but here's an excerpt:
“‘It strips the individual of his uniqueness, making him indistinguishable from the multitudes that form what is commonly referred to as “the masses.” But it simultaneously assigns him a group identity based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, income, etc., to highlight differences within the masses. It then exacerbates old rivalries and disputes, or it incites new ones. This way, it can speak to the well-being of “the people” as a whole, while dividing them against themselves,'” Levin read. “… Does that not define what we’re going through right now?”
Utopianism has no place in the American system of government. Why? Because in order to achieve a "utopia," the federal government must be given more power and authority than the Founders even intended them to have.
Washington is well on its way to accomplishing this historic power grab, but there's a grassroots movement intent on stopping them. The Article V Convention of States Project is the largest grassroots organization calling for a Convention of States to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
A Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments that put the federal government back in its place. These amendments can clarify the Founders' vision of a small, limited national government and restore that power to the states and the people.
Sign the Petition below to join the millions of Convention of States supporters around the country!