The 10th Amendment states very clearly that the federal government shouldn't get involved in anything not expressly stated in the Constitution. Anything not included in our founding document was supposed to be left to the states to decide.
That obviously hasn't happened the way the Founders intended, due largely to bad Supreme Court decisions that have slowly, over time expanded the scope, power, and jurisdiction of the federal government.
Today, dozens of federal agencies dictate everything from healthcare to education to the environment. The only way to get the feds out of these and other areas of American life is via constitutional amendment, which is why Mark Charest joined the Convention of States team in Tennessee.
"We have gone so far away from the 10th Amendment," Mark said. "We need to reel that back in, and we can do it as citizens. We're going to decide what our future's going to look like the same way that the Framers of the Constitution decided."
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