While we enjoy another summer in the tranquil Flint Hills, punctuated by thunderstorms and tornados rolling up from Oklahoma, we see greater threats to the east.
Each day seems to bring more evidence that the freedom we hold dear is under attack by forces bent on destroying our system of self-governance. We rally around our neighbors to repair and rebuild after storms, but how will we reestablish our liberty when our rule of law is subverted by a cabal of career politicians who refuse to do their job, aided by judges with lifetime appointments and the expert professional bureaucracy?
Do we expect the next election to give us an enlightened Congress willing to return to the ideals in our Constitution and cede power back to the states? Can one administration make permanent changes?
This is why I urge you to take action now to allow the people, through our state legislatures, to amend the Constitution to secure our system of self-governance.
Article V of the Constitution provides a means for the states to propose amendments when Congress will not. The states can convene an amendment convention to propose amendments necessary to drain the swamp. These proposals will be on three topics: term limits for Congress and unelected officials, fiscal restraints to limit taxing, borrowing and spending, and a reduction in the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government.
The Kansas Legislature needs to pass the Convention of States resolution in 2020. Some of our legislators are afraid of a "runaway convention." What about our runaway Congress? I am glad there were men willing to take the risk of starting a war with a world power in order to give us the freedom we have enjoyed up to now. What would the world look like today if the men in Philadelphia were too afraid to finish the fight started on Lexington Green?
Fortunately we still have the option of using the Constitutional tool provided by the Founders. We're in a fight now, and it does not involve rifles and canon. The fight started with Georgia and now fourteen other states have joined.
It is time for Kansas to step up. When 34 states have acted together, we can do what Washington will never do on it's own. This fight is far from being finished.
Tell your legislators to support the resolution when it comes up for a vote by signing the petition below. Then share this with your friends.