Check out this awesome letter to the editor by a volunteer in Kansas!
“America’s Cold Civil War” by Charles R. Kesler is an interesting essay describing the division in our country, how he believes it came about, and five ways the problem might be resolved. Two of the possible solutions are unlikely, two are very dangerous, but one, from my perspective as a volunteer for the Convention of States Project, is very appealing. The author’s third idea is to restore federalism.
Our U.S. Constitution was written to restrain the federal government. Each of the states have their own republican constitution and govern themselves under the umbrella of a constitutionally restricted federal government. Our constitution’s framers had just fought the most powerful government on earth to remain free, and had no desire to turn that freedom over to another. With federalism, there’s room for differences.
There has always been division in this country, and I believe there always will be. It is impossible to have an all powerful federal government, making all of the decisions for over 300 million people, without that same government becoming overbearing. Putting us all in the same box will never work.
I got involved in the Convention of States Project 4.5 years ago, after learning the Founders had provided the People and the States a tool in Article V of the Constitution for times like this.
During a time of division, President Lincoln gave his first inaugural address. While talking of amending the Constitution, he said, “I will venture to add that to me the convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves.”
It was too late — seven states had already seceded.
Let’s not wait until it is too late. Be a part of the solution as big as the problem.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to show your support!