Freedom-loving patriots in America have kept a close eye on our northern neighbor this past year. Between enforcing strict vaccine mandates, wielding emergency powers against peaceful truckers, and banning plastic bags and straws, Canada’s Prime Minister, the wannabe dictator Justin Trudeau, seems dead set on robbing his people of all self-governance.
Trudeau’s latest attack comes straight from the playbook of history’s most infamous tyrants. Last week, the Great White North’s PM officially imposed a handgun freeze, effectively ending Canada’s handgun market.
"We have frozen the market for handguns in this country," Trudeau boasted. "As we see gun violence continue to rise... we have an obligation to take action. Today our national handgun freeze is coming into force.”
The sweeping gun control legislation outlaws the purchase, sale, or transfer of handguns in Canada and bars citizens from bringing new guns from outside the country.
“Our government is taking Canada’s most significant action on gun violence in a generation,'' Canada's Minister of Public Safety explained. "We made a commitment to Canadians that we would act – and we are. The national freeze will tackle the alarming role of handguns in crime, gender-based violence, and more. We are using all tools at our disposal to fight gun violence and will not rest until all Canadians feel safe in their communities.”
Unlike in America, where many politicians at least pretend they want to disarm only dangerous Americans, Trudeau’s Office makes its staunch very clear: Canadians should not own guns. Period.
“Fewer guns mean safer communities, the PM’s website reads. It later notes that the government will “do whatever it takes to keep guns out of our communities.” It’s worth pointing out that Canada has already banned assault-style firearms.
Canada’s rapidly declining political condition is a cautionary tale of just how quickly a government can turn against its people. Despite Americans having constitutionally-guaranteed gun rights, many of our so-called “leaders” would strip them away from us in a heartbeat.
That’s why we must strip them of their corrupt power first. Through an Article V Convention of States, we can rein in our federal government and ensure that what is happening in Canada never happens here.
Millions of 2nd Amendment fans have already joined us in this important, peaceful fight to save liberty. To add your name to that list, sign the petition below!
As Trudeau cracks down on sale of handguns in Canada, COS can safeguard gun rights in America
Published in Blog on October 25, 2022 by Jakob Fay