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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


It's not over until it's over

Published in Blog on August 03, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

In time, the Convention of States Action organizational family will be victorious and obtain the passage of Resolutions to convene a Convention of States from the required 34 states.

State legislators who are currently reluctant to pass our Resolution will eventually come around, at the very least in states where freedom, liberty and the Constitution are still valued.  

These legislators will come to realize that most of their constituents want and fully support the passage of a Resolution calling for the convening of a Convention of States.

Since 2013, the Convention of State Action organization has gotten 19 states on board, leaving only 15 states we must convince to pass the Resolution.

A recent poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group found that 81% of Republicans, 63% of Independents, and 50% of Democrats support a Convention of States.

With this kind of support, which is growing daily, it is only a matter of time before we achieve the required 34 states needed to pass our Resolution to convene a convention.

But don’t become overly elated or confident over our progress to achieve this very difficult task. There's more we must do in order to save our Republic. To truly win and forever change the way our elected officials and unelected bureaucrats conduct themselves, we must win on three critical fronts.

First, we must achieve election integrity to ensure that our elections are fair and honest. That only living American citizens vote once on one day with voter ID and paper ballots.

Without election integrity, political parties will continue to find ways to cheat and thwart the will of the people. Political parties, or members thereof, have already demonstrated their contempt for and willingness to ignore our Constitution to create an elitist class and destroy our Constitutional Republic.

If we truly want honest, fraudulent-free elections, then we all need to be willing to sacrifice our time during every election cycle by working at polling precincts in whatever capacity suits you best.

Please seriously consider volunteering for these positions, and if you are inclined to serve, then contact your local County Republican/Democratic Headquarters. 

Second, we must work harder, ask more questions, and do more research on candidates we are considering for elected offices.

Challenge their responses or positions on critical issues facing the United States. Find out if they fully support the passage of a Resolution calling for the convening of a Convention of States.  

Only vote for candidates who truly and clearly represent your values and not solely based on name recognition. If you fail to assess candidates, or worse do not vote, once it’s over it will do you no good to sit on your couch yelling at the TV during the news.

Third, we know from experience that certain congressional members do not respect our Constitution and outrightly disregard it despite having taken an oath to protect and enforce the Constitution.

Without election integrity and solid, conservative, constitutional representatives, any new amendments that come out of a convention could be ignored, just as the current Constitution and amendments are ignored.  

Once we have election integrity and elect individuals who will truly protect and adhere to our Constitution, then our proposed amendments will have the highest impact that we so desperately need.

Join the Convention of States Project to meet other patriots in your area, serve with a purpose, and save America.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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