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Is Maryland Ready - When Federal Agencies are Downsized

Published in Blog on December 10, 2024 by Julie Holly

As of January 20, 2025, we will have a new administration in place.  There is much speculation as to what that will mean for us.  For all intents and purposes, the President-Elect and his team appear to be ready to cut spending, rein in government overreach and make our government more efficient.  How will it look if they succeed?

With these changes, we’ll have ample opportunity to look at where and how we can run things more efficiently at the state level. Many choices and changes will need to be made. Here’s the big question;

Is Maryland ready?

The plan would include restructuring some and eliminating other federal agencies.  The Supreme Court’s decision on the Chevron Doctrine back in June helped to open a door to this next step.

If successful, responsibility will be given back to the states in many instances.  We saw that happen recently with the issue of abortion.  When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, many women worried they would lose their “constitutional right” to have an abortion.  In reality, that decision did not outlaw abortion.  Instead, responsibility was given back to the states.

The Department of Education is on the chopping block with others likely to follow soon after. How will that affect the quality of Maryland education?  Would local school programs need to be cut?  Would taxes go up to replace federal funding?

Each agency cut presents its own set of questions for how states will handle the additional obligations.  As residents and tax payers in Maryland, the answers to these questions will affect us all.  The degree of impact on our daily lives will be determined by how our state officials respond.   Consent of the governed is more important than ever now.  It’s imperative that we get involved and monitor how our affairs are handled at the state level.

And that’s where you come in.

Our recent election determined who will be making those all-important choices here in Maryland.  What do you know about the representatives who were elected?  Will they carry out the wishes of the voters?  Hopefully, our current and new legislators will do the job we sent them to do.  But it’s our job to keep an eye on their activities.  This applies not only at the state level but also closer to home with our local representatives.

Jaime Brennan is a newly elected Frederick County school board member.  In a recent conversation, we talked about education in Maryland and how Maryland citizens can make a difference.  Her answer was not unexpected.  She suggested we get involved.  

While campaigning, Ms. Brennan found many people believed they were not affected by educational issues because they do not have school aged children.  A look into where funding comes from revealed a different story.  If you thought the education system does not affect you because you don’t have school aged children, you may be surprised.  A 2016 University of Maryland report on resources for school funding, shows the following breakdown.  

5% of funds come from federal government grants distributed to both the state and districts.

48% of the funds are collected at the state level through income and retail sales taxes as well as the state lottery.

46% of the funds are collected locally at the district level, which in Maryland means they are collected through the county. [This includes your property taxes.]

1% is made up of investment earnings and revenues generated from services provided by school districts

If you believe your taxes are too high, a large percentage of what you pay goes toward our school system.  As a taxpayer, you do have a say in how those dollars are used.  So, what does getting involved look like?  While we were specifically discussing education, Ms. Brennan’s suggestions could fit any area of government.  Here are a few she offered:

Get to know your school board – who are the members, how do they vote on various issues?

Attend school board meetings – you may want to just listen at first to get the lay of the land.  When you feel comfortable, make a public comment.  Ask questions, present information, let them know you’re watching.  And, respectfully let them know how you feel about their performance.

Stay Informed – join the mailing list for local chapters of grassroots organizations dedicated to upholding parental rights.  Often, they publish information on upcoming and pending legislative actions.

Expanding on that advice, get to know your legislators – both state and local.  Who represents you?  How are they voting on issues you care about?    People who run for state and local office do care about their constituents.  Let them know what you want.  You can find your state legislators here.  

To find your local legislators, search for your county and city websites.  You should find a listing there of council members and other representatives closer to home. 

What happens when citizens get involved?  

Here’s a current example:  

The Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project, or MPRP, proposes a 70-mile-long, 500,000-volt transmission line that is twice as powerful as the lines most people are familiar with. This line would extend [through four Maryland counties] . . . However, this project could be avoided by adopting less destructive, non-invasive, and more modern alternatives available today.

Because people are getting involved in droves, there’s a good chance this detrimental project will be stopped.  We can’t count a victory yet, but the progress made so far is a result of citizens and legislators working together for the good of Maryland.  It has recently come to the governor’s attention and he’s taking a stand with the people.  

What are some other avenues for involvement?

Sign the Convention of States petition  to let your legislators know you would like their support in calling an Article V convention. 

Volunteer with Convention of States.  There are lots of options for getting involved in whatever way feels good to you.

If you haven’t already, take our survey to let us know what issues you care about.  

Life is not a solo act.  It’s a huge collaboration.  By working together, there is no end to what we can do.

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