When you think about D.C. Swamp monsters, who comes to mind?
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and other longtime politicians surely make the top of the list. Maybe you think about Supreme Court justices, or our geriatric and mentally unstable president.
These are great candidates, but they can't compete with the greatest of all Swamp monsters, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Before last year, no one had heard of Dr. Fauci. But the unelected bureaucrat had been embedded into the inner workings of Washington for decades, and we have photographs from Fauci with every president since George H. W. Bush.
Don't believe us? Check this out.

Earlier this year, our friends at Open the Books discovered that Dr. Fauci is America's most highly paid "public servant." These images prove that Fauci is also America's most deeply entrenched bureaucrat. He's advised six administrations, and he'll likely advise even more before his career is over.
For that entire career, Dr. Fauci has used his power and influence at the highest levels of government, and we can only imagine how much he's influenced the policies and laws under which we live. The American people never voted for him, and yet he's been indirectly responsible for many of the most draconian instances of government overreach over the last year.
It's time to take Fauci -- and all his friends in the Swamp -- down a notch. Unelected bureaucrats shouldn't run our country, and we have the power to kick them out of office.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit the size, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government. Here's what that means: amendments can be written that kick the feds out of healthcare, education, the environment, and a host of other sectors currently controlled by Swamp monsters.
These amendments can shrink some federal agencies and force them to cut budgets and staffs. For some agencies, amendments that shrink federal jurisdiction will eliminate them altogether.
Look at all the agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services. Why do we need a Centers for Disease Control and a National Institutes of Health? Does the Constitution give the federal government the power to control this many aspects of our nation's medical care?
Of course not, and we can clarify that fact if we can call a Convention of States. Already, 15 states have passed the Convention of States Resolution. We need 19 more to call a Convention of States and kick Fauci and his Deep State friends to the curb.
Sign the petition below to join the movement!