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Convention of States!


Ira Pressrites - Episode 3

Published in Opposition Blog on October 03, 2023 by Will T. Zwart

Convention of States Action has many supporters on both sides of the aisle, but it also has its opponents. The vast majority of those who are resistant or even hostile to reining in Washington, D.C. with Article V are, unsurprisingly, powerful individuals within the government. 
Eccentric, young senator Ira Pressrites recently found out about the Article V simulation held in Williamsburg, and he has a few things to say about it! A self-described “expert” has also joined the good congressman to talk about the amendments that passed, though they both seem a bit misinformed on the subject material, and the Constitution in general. 

Watch the whole unhinged interview here! 

We jest, of course, but there are actual opponents of Convention of States who believe these same things, though they don’t actually phrase them as bluntly as Senator Pressrites. 
Everyone has the right to their opinion, but in the words of Thomas Jefferson, “Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.”

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