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Iowa House committee to vote on COS resolution

Published in Blog on February 19, 2025 by Matt May

The Iowa House State Government Committee is scheduled to vote on the COS resolution to make application to Congress for an Article V convention -- House Joint Resolution 6 -- this morning, February 19, at 10:30 a.m. ET/9:30 a.m. CT

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H.J.R. 6 was advanced to the full committee following the February 18 subcommittee meeting during which the resolution was approved by a 2-1 margin. COS Iowa state director Karen Schuster was among proponents who spoke in favor of the resolution.

A favorable vote from the full committee will move the resolution to the floor of the House for debate and vote. No testimony for or against will be heard during this committee meeting. 

This session is a working meeting for the committee. The committee will assign bills to its subcommittee and likely adjourn to caucus. Once the committee returns from caucus, the members will discuss and vote upon the slate of legislation before them. H.J.R. 6 is at the end of the agenda. 

Update: The committee meeting concluded before the panel was able to get to H.J.R. 6 and has deferred discussion and voting until next week. We will update you with date and time information for that meeting when it becomes available.  

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