Momentum for an Article V Convention of States is growing -- and national outlets are paying attention.
Fox News featured on its homepage yesterday a story about the victory in Nebraska and the larger Convention of States movement.
Fox reporters interview one of our best legislative champions, Nebraska Sen. Steve Halloran, about his efforts to get the Convention of States Resolution passed in his state.
"It's become abundantly clear with the history of Congress that they have no sense of limiting their spending and the accrued debt that's happening upon our nation," Halloran said, calling the U.S.’s $30 trillion national debt "unsustainable."
"We have effectively kicked that can down the road on repayment of any of that, but we cannot kick the can down the road every year," he continued.
Halloran said he believes the Founding Fathers would have supported term limits if they had the power of hindsight. He told Fox News that such issues are why they gave states the power amend the Constitution.
"We have career politicians now instead of citizen statesmen," he said.
"We can't operate this country on fear, uncertainty and doubt," Halloran added.
Join the movement in your state! Sign the Convention of States Petition below!