“I failed,” confessed former Senator Rick Santorum.
Seated across three lawmakers in the Iowa House State Government Committee, the Senior Advisor to Convention of States and two-time presidential candidate, who won the Iowa caucus in 2012, explained why he supports the Article V movement after conquering his initial reservations: “Because I spent 16 years in Congress, ran for president twice, have been on most major news networks in this country, commentating on what’s going on in Washington and observing, very closely, what’s happening in the city. I fought a lot of battles.… But, in the end, I failed.”
“I failed,” he continued, “because this country is a lot worse off than when I started, forty years ago, involved in politics. Our country is more divided. When I got involved in politics, I think our deficit was two trillion dollars; it’s now 34 trillion dollars, and we’re adding one to two trillion dollars every year. And there’s no end in sight to that. Our country cannot be sustained doing that.”
“And I couldn't walk away. You can’t walk away if you spend 30 years of your life trying to solve something and fail at it and just walk away and say, ‘well, let’s leave it to someone else to clean the mess.’”
Having dedicated his life to “cleaning up that mess,” Santorum now travels the country leveraging his political acumen to advocate for Article V. He explained that he does so because, “unlike some, I actually have a lot of belief in the Founders. And unlike some, I believe the entire Constitution should be used.… And the entire Constitution [includes] Article V … Article V was put in there for such a time as this.”
In the committee, adversaries, drawing from familiar left-wing rhetoric, depicted the Convention of States grassroots movement as a threat to the Constitution. Santorum swiftly rebuffed this notion, asserting that the utilization of Article V aligns perfectly with the original intent of the Founders. Moreover, he criticized detractors for offering no alternative solutions to the problems plaguing the federal government, branding their stance as mere fearmongering.
“Fear is not a solution,” the Senator declared. “And all I hear are no solutions and a lot of fear.”
“There’s no solution except the one that’s in the Constitution,” he added. “And people are afraid. People are afraid to try what the Founders put in. They say wonderful words about the Founders and how great they were — except this.”
Ultimately, he argued, we must educate ourselves about this important topic, push aside the fear, and embrace the Founders’ brilliant safeguard against a corrupt and oppressive government. As our current national trajectory veers toward unsustainability, Article V emerges as a beacon of hope, empowering the American people, through their state legislators, to reclaim their authority and guide the nation back on track.
To uncover the truth about Article V, watch the entirety of Rick’s unmissable speech below. And if you're inspired to stand alongside the Senator in advocating for this constitutional solution, take action now by signing the Convention of States petition and getting involved today!
‘I failed’: Sen. Santorum delivers POWERFUL testimony in Iowa
Published in Blog on February 06, 2024 by Jakob Fay