The Constitution of the United States is one of the most successful governing documents in the history of humankind.
We know this for a few reasons. First, it's the oldest written constitution still in use today. It's survived civil wars and world wars and economic depressions, and continued to provide a guiding light to our country's leaders and judges.
But we also know it's great because of its effects. As Prof. Rob Natelson explained in a recent article in The Epoch Times, our country experienced the greatest progress and prosperity when the entirety of the U.S. Constitution was respected and followed.
But aside from temporary aberrations during the Civil War and World War I, the Constitution was in full effect from its adoption in 1789 until about 1930—a term of 141 years.
What was the record of that 141 years?
First, other than one four-year stretch (the Civil War), the states remained at peace with each other. This situation was very different from the intermittent warfare among the countries of Europe and South America.
Additionally, the United States expanded enormously, both in population and geography. Economic growth was also explosive, attaining an annual rate of 9 percent in some years. (Today, 3 percent is considered good.)
During this period America adopted the British Industrial Revolution and ultimately overshadowed it. Americans wrought stupendous improvements in commerce, agriculture, transportation, communication, and other technologies. Living standards soared, not just for the wealthy, but for almost everyone. There were unprecedented advances in medicine, health care, and life expectancy.
Economic progress was matched by social progress. The slaves were emancipated. Women were liberated and enfranchised. Education became nearly universal. Colleges and universities spread and flourished. Family structure and civic participation remained strong and probably became stronger. A web of state, local, and private programs created a powerful social safety net.
Arguably, this time period—the period the U.S. Constitution remained in full effect—represented the greatest era of progress in human history.
Unfortunately, the Constitution does not remain in full effect today. Bad Supreme Court decisions and power-grabs by federal agencies have eroded the limitations on federal power and made the American people less free and less prosperous.
That's why the Convention of States Project was founded. An Article V Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments, not to change the intentions of our founders, but to restore their vision of a small national government and a free, flourishing people.
These amendments can place real limitations on all three branches of the federal government, end the influence of career politicians, and force Congress to be fiscally responsible.
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