How do national politicians get so rich?
They're well compensated for their "service" to their constituents in the form of a six-figure salary, generous benefits, and a full-time staff to serve their every need. But that compensation isn't enough to amass the vast fortunes many of our "leaders" in Washington accumulate.
It's true that some have started successful businesses. But most haven't. So, what explains their wealth?
Career politicians like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer spend their entire lives in Washington cozying up to the rich and famous. These connections are often lucrative, and they result in valuable kickbacks, perks, and benefits.
Multiply those kickbacks by 40 or 50 years in Washington, and you start to talk about serious wealth.
As one Wisconsin Convention of States volunteer explain, this corruption is exactly why we need term limits.
If you support term limits and want to kick career politicains out of office, you've come to the right place. An Article V Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that term limit members of Congress, but they don't have to start there. Under the Convention of States Resolution, state representatives can propose amendments that also term limit high-ranking member of the Deep State.
It's time to retake control of the federal government and end the wealth accumulation of our "public servants" in Washington. We have the power under Article V -- we just have to use it.