After President Donald Trump was able to appoint three Supreme Court justices during his four-year term, many conservatives were hopeful about the future of our nation's highest court. They believed this new "conservative" makeup would reverse some of the bad decisions of previous courts and move to limit the power and scope of the federal government.
Unfortunately, that has yet to happen. While there have been a few pro-liberty decisions, this year's round of rulings hasn't been the limited government revolution many conservatives have been hoping for.
Why is that? Constitutional scholar Rob Natelson has a few ideas, and he shared his thoughts in this exclusive interview with COS National Legislative Strategist, Rita Peters.
"There is no conservative majority on the court, as the decisions this term show," Prof. Natelson said. "Three of the justice are liberal activists. One justice is an originalist, that's Justice Thomas. He interprets documents according to the understanding of their authors. The other five are all somewhere in between. There is no conservative activist on the court like there are liberal activists."
The interview is a full half-hour, but it's worth watching all the way through!
Here's the takeaway: we can't rely on the Supreme Court to reduce the size and power of the federal government. We can't rely on them to uphold freedom and self-governance, and we can't rely on them to balance power between Washington and the states.
They may issue good decisions once in a while. We hope they do. But we shouldn't look to them to save our country.
Instead, we should look where the Founders looked: to the people and the states.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can do what the Supreme Court never will: drastically rein in federal power. Amendments can be written that strip Washington's jurisdiction over healthcare, energy, and the environment, and amendments can be written that eliminate many of the "deep state" agencies that control our lives.
Five million Americans have joined the movement because they're tired of waiting for the Supreme Court or the President to make the reforms our country needs. Will you join them? Sign the petition below.