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Hitler Lives

Published in Blog on September 17, 2021 by Will T. Zwart

In 1945, as the Third Reich was breathing its last, and the world breathed a sigh of relief, a country singer named Rosalie Allen sang a song entitled, "Hitler Lives", in which she reminded the audience that "Hitler lives if we hurt our fellow man. Hitler lives if we forget."

Unfortunately, the world has not heeded Rosalie's warning. 
All over America, Europe, and especially in Australia, governments are becoming increasingly Nazi-esque, imposing and enforcing draconian - and usually illegal - mandates with extreme prejudice. Even worse, too many are unaware of it.
Some scoff and say, "That's just a conspiracy theory", or "You're being paranoid." I'm sure many Jews said the same thing in 1939.

Our "leaders" in Washington are not Nazis, but they share one concerning trait: authoritarianism. The Nazis held a specific set of ideologies and beliefs that the Swamp does not, but they're aligned in their willingness to use their authority to dictate decisions for everyday people.

These authoritarian similarities run deep, and for those who may still be deaf to the sound of goose stepping boots on the horizon, here are all the ways that our own Federal Government compares to Hitler's bloody empire.   

1. Socialism 

Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers Party, and Adolf Hitler was an ardent supporter of Marxism. The Nazis put race above accomplishment, the state above the individual, and safety above liberty. America's current federal government, which will hereafter be referred to as the Swamp, checks all of these boxes with vigor.  

2. Gun Control 

Just like other regimes before and after him, Hitler seized as many private firearms as possible, especially those of the Jews, before bringing the Third Reich to full power. And what does the Swamp do after every gun-related crime? Uses it as an excuse to tread on the Second Amendment.

3. Control Over Schools 

America's swamp-run school system, flawed from the beginning, is now teaching children to hate their country and to support socialist ideologies. Hitler, too, had zero tolerance for anti-state messaging in German schools.


4. Abortion 

Both the Nazis and the Swamp fully endorsed this practice, the former amongst non-Aryans to further the master race, the latter for any reason at all. What's more, both also conducted scientific experiments on human beings, especially children. 

5. Anti-God

It's no secret that the Third Reich had no place for God in its utopia, and the Swamp has taken a similar stance, even though it owes its very existence to a Judeo-Christian value system.

6. Censorship (Warning: this paragraph contains sarcasm).

Perhaps the most obvious and dangerous similarity between swastika and Swamp is the totalitarian suppression of even the suggestion of opposition to the all-knowing State, may it be forever praised, amen. No good ever came from government censorship. 

7. Thugs 

Many Germans disagreed with the Nazis' goals early on, and for them, at night would come the Brown Shirts, roving bands of mostly-young Nazis who were happy to violently spread their leader's agenda. For the Swamp, one is not enough. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS, and rioting Marxists are the unconstitutional fists of the federal government. 

8. Media Control 

Both the Nazis and the Swamp were/are masters at manipulating the facts to paint themselves in a positive light by controlling every major news and social media outlet. Hitler was known for his propaganda, but the Swamp gives him a run for his money, as they haven’t missed an opportunity yet to twist the truth in their favor.  

9. Cancel Culture 

This rather falls into the topic of censorship, but a business could easily be shut down, an employee fired, or property seized for not "towing the line" in both Nazi Germany and the Swamp's America. 

10. The Promise of Utopia

Finally, it is the greatest red flag in human history: that man can make Heaven on Earth. It was the sermon of the Nazis, the sermon of the Bolsheviks, and it is the sermon of the globalists who run the Swamp. What they mean is Utopia for them, but hell for the rest of us.  

During the Nuremberg trials, Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goering allegedly said, "The only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear. If you can find something to scare them, you can make them do anything you want." 

Truly, fear is the greatest weapon our opponents possess, and once we realize that, we take that weapon away.  Even then, the fight is not over. Make no mistake, our federal government is turning into a force for Nazism, and if we don't stop it, all the destruction and terror that spread across Europe in World War II will repeat itself.

What will future generations suffer, what will they say of us, if we allow such a thing to happen again? We cannot. We must fight, and fight as if our children, our country, our freedom, and our lives depend on it, because the fact is: they do. 
Don't let America fall to the new Nazis and take action to call a Convention of States! 

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