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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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Green Dragon and Groceries

Published in Spread the Word Blog on July 07, 2024 by David Wilder

For the history buffs amongst us, here is the text of a memorial plaque in Boston:

On this spot stood
The secret meet place of the
Sons of Liberty,
And in the words of Webster, the
Headquarters of the Revolution.
To mark a site forever as
Memorable as the birthplace of American freedom,
this tablet is placed by the
Massachusetts Society of the Sons of Revolution.

Alas, the original Green Dragon Tavern is no more.  Although taverns are still popular, our modern hustle and bustle society has found new spots to discuss our desire for freedom and liberty.  Now, like the conversations of the Sons of Liberty, we have a place to plan how to confront the current tyranny.

You guessed it, your local grocery store.  Here in Massachusetts, we have found setting up petition signing tables has been a great way to have those conversations.  We are getting 10-20 petitions signed for every hour we have the table up.  You can say it has become our bread-and-butter process (yes, I went there…) and when you are done you can pick up your bread and butter!

It doesn’t take much and it is free! Last Saturday we set up a table with a banner in front, and handed out little ‘giveaways’ (pens, pins, stress balls).  We also had a lot of paper petition forms (manual 4 part) ready.  In five hours, we picked up 91 petitions, with 4 indicating volunteer interest.  We’ve done this five times in various locations with similar results.  

How does this work?

After getting the okay from the store ahead of time for the time and date, we get a team to man the table. Two at all times is the best way to plan.  We set up by the exit door, so the shoppers see us as they are leaving.  The key is, and this is crucial, it is easy to start a conversation.  “Hi, can you help us with our petition?”  Most people want to be helpful, and most are curious about ‘what petition?’.  It is amazing how many people will listen and sign our petition when all they really wanted to do was get to their car.  That is what they will do if you don’t engage with them.

Usually, a big explanation is not needed, and should be avoided.  “Do you think Congress should have term limits?”  “Do you like how Washington is spending your money, and your grandkid’s money?”.  We know most people emotionally connect to these problems and many are happy to find there is a way to fix it.


Try it.  With limited resources, this is a great return for your time.  Let us know how it goes!


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Convention of states action

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