“That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them." -George Mason: Virginia Bill of Rights, June 12, 1776
“We just can’t rely on the politicians who got us into this mess to get us out of it.” -Mark Meckler, President for Convention of States Action
We’ve tried elections, and we’ve all heard promises of change. But the paper money is still rolling out of the Treasury, and the debt clock is in the trillions.
In the State of Mississippi that’s a lot of cotton, soybean, catfish, pine, and shrimp. I’d like to believe we’re smarter than most people, and I know we have a lot of common sense. Many of us work hard, have strong families, and are patriots.
Most of us are tired of watching hard-earned money disappear into black holes, unpaid debts getting larger, and the same people getting re-elected over and over again.
Some of you may remember Dr. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma. Dr. Coburn had two callings: medicine and this Republic. He was also a man of deep faith. He told his constituents he would run for the House of Representatives twice and the Senate twice. In other words, he would term limit himself and get as much done for his country as he could.
Coburn's peers nicknamed him “Dr. No,” because he would not vote for pork-ladened bills from lobbyists. It was during the end of his time in the Senate that he recommended the pursuit of Article V of the Constitution, which he believed was the only solution for a “runaway Congress.” He was, in my opinion, absolutely correct. Forcing future generations to deal with our greed and irresponsible behavior is beyond reproach, and it must stop. And it can stop.
We’re not a mob or a bunch of ranting, raving lunatics. We’re ordinary, hardworking, family members--moms and dads, grandmas and Gold Star grandpas--who represent that Silent Majority you’ve heard about. Some of us have fancy degrees, and some of us have fancy callouses. Some have both. One percent of us are military, and some are first responders. Racists need not apply, and patriots are welcomed.
I urge you to now go to conventionofstates.com and fill in your information. Yes, sir or ma’am, this is real! Sign the petition, even though Mississippi has already joined Convention of States. I hope you will spend some time in the site and see how you might bring your time and talent to our team.
Give five dollars or consider giving your time in an area of interest. If nothing else, please sign our petition. This is that one time you can turn a gripe into a vote. You’ll be telling your state representative you want to see something done now in Washington, D.C. He or she will hear you. I guarantee it.
I believe you will be thrilled when you get there and see what has been accomplished so far. You will witness the strength and intelligence of our brilliant Founders to whom we owe so much. Bless them and bless you.
Now, go and ring that bell!
Ron Scarbrough is the State Director for Convention of States Mississippi.