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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


From growing up to growing the grassroots

Published in Blog on February 23, 2021 by Brenda Karlin

When I was about 11 years old, my dad cut his hand on the bumper of a Ford car. I wrote a letter to President Nixon asking him to make the Ford company fix their cars so no one would experience an injury like my dad.

The President sent me a nice letter but could not take any action. It wasn’t until many years later that I fully understood the limited powers given to the President, according to our U.S. Constitution.

Fast forward to adulthood. Like many others, I voted, wrote my legislators, and attended town halls. I paid taxes as a duty, not understanding the history of taxation or my role in being able to have a say in what my taxes were paying for.

Legislators who I had championed told me one thing in person and voted another way when elected. In the age of social media, I was great at expressing my frustration on the usual websites. I even joined the Tea Party and stood out on a street corner with protest signs!

But all the activity never seemed to result in effective action.
And then one day in 2013, I heard a radio host by the name of Mark Levin. He talked about something called “Convention of States.” I went to the internet and found that there actually was a group called Convention of States!

I cautiously began to look into what “they” were all about. I had taken some courses on the Constitution from Hillsdale College and subsequently read all of Mark Levin’s books, including The Liberty Amendments, which talks about a Convention of the States under Article V of our U.S. Constitution.

I signed the petition right away but did not officially volunteer. Instead, I checked for something I could “safely” participate in. Think of attending church but only wanting to slip into the back row as the service begins!
Today, I am your Convention of States Florida Grassroots Coordinator. Having started as a volunteer, I now reach out to thank new petition signers and invite them to volunteer as Follow Up Team member.

I get to work with all of our amazing fellow volunteers who devote time, energy, and commitment to upholding our U.S. Constitution as originally intended and actively engaging in the “solution as big as the problem.” These volunteers are District Captains, Regional Captains, Legislative Liaisons, Social Media Warriors, State Content Writers, State Information Analysts, and others.

Additionally, I get to work with some of the most talented and stalwart state, regional, and national leaders from around the country, who give so much to preserving our liberty, setting the mission and goals of Convention of States. All are awesome!

If you recognize your story in mine but haven’t yet taken on a role as an official Volunteer, I encourage you to go to and take action.

In January 2020 I decided I would have a theme for myself rather than a New Year’s resolution. The theme was “Be courageous!” It continues to be my theme. Maybe you would like to adopt it, too! All roles are needed.

Sign up to be a leader or team member, today.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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