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Five Patriots "Pinned" in Colorado

Published in Blog on May 07, 2024 by Yvette Kimmel

"Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." -Unknown


Five volunteers shone brighter than the brilliant Colorado sun on the steps of the state capitol last week.  Each volunteer was recognized for their leadership, commitment to the COS mission and outstanding service to saving our nation from government overreach.  As the quote suggests, they work to make their presence--or contributions--felt.

Lynn Ray, COS President Mark Meckler, Regional Director Deanna Becket and CO State Director Laura Neimeister

COS Vets Coalition XO (Second-in-Command) Lynn Ray is described as a "delight to be around." He keeps Colorado veterans motivated with follow-through and attention to detail. Lynn signed the petition in 2018 and became very active in January, 2023.


Active in COS since 2021, Ken Kusluch works tirelessly to see the Article V Convention come to fruition.  He puts the active in activism and dedicates his time and talent to the Veterans Coaltion in Colorado.  

Patriot Pin

Blogs like this one, videos, COS Colorado Facebook, the State Pages and more would not be possible without the efforts of the next Patriot Pin recipient.  Active roughly two years, Vivian Garcia leads state communicaions and uses creativity, understanding and leadership to keep her team motivated.  

A semi-permanent fixture at the Capitol, John Graboski is a passionate force of nature about changing the dynamics in Colorado. He is equally enthusiastic about educating new volunteers about how the legislative process works as well as strategizing and reminding our Legislators who they were elected to serve. 


Last and certainly not least, Veterans Coalition Director Art Sickler received both a prestigious Challenge Coin and the Challenge Pin. 

Art Sickler Challenge Coin


Congratulations and thank you to these five outstanding patriots.  

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