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Convention of States!


An Honorable Award for an Honorable Patriot

Published in Blog on May 07, 2024 by Yvette Kimmel

Convention of States Vets Coalition Director Art Sickler is humble.  You notice it in the very first moments of meeting him, and that description is echoed from the men and women who follow his guidance and those who volunteer beside him within COS.  

Under a brilliant Colorado sky on the steps of the state capitol building, Art was honored with the 307th Challenge Coin, recognizing his exemplary service to COS and leadership to the volunteer COS veterans in Colorado. He was surrounded by roughly 80 fellow patriots attending the Capitol Rally on April 25th.  

“I work with a bunch of stallions, and I am grateful that I have (these) great people who make me look good,” says Art.  “I try to give people a lane. They do their part and handle their piece. Otherwise, our task can feel overwhelming.”  

One who consistently gives credit to others, Art connects with his volunteers and leads them to use their talents.  He chairs two meetings a month for his team of active volunteers. One look at the Colorado COS event calendar, and you immediately notice how active and energetic his team is. From stampedes and picnics to gun shows, Art and team help people understand the mission of COS and how dedicated he is to saving the country he continues to defend.  

The Challenge Coin is a limited-edition medallion minted to honor those who go above and beyond the call of duty. The first 300 coins were engraved with Founding Father George Mason’s likeness. The last of that batch was given in November of 2023.  

Art Sickler received the 7th of a newly minted batch engraved with an image of Dr. Thomas Coburn. Dr. Coburn was a US representative and a US Senator who made a profound impact on many within the Convention of States.  To understand best, read this touching  tribute to Dr. Coburn from COS President Mark Meckler.  

On the colorado Capitol steps, Mark Meckler explains the Challenge Coin best:   

“Every year no more than 30 coins are given away…that's extraordinary. You have extraordinary people all over the country at all levels in the organization giving their time, their treasure, putting their honor on the line for us so when somebody gets awarded a Challenge Coin it really is extraordinary. We realized when we first started giving them out that people were carrying these around, and I was worried about that; I don't want them lost. I believe we're going to save the country and when we do, they're going to want those in the Smithsonian. So, we made the Challenge Coin pin. When I travel around the country, I look for those and when I see those…I get choked up because I know if someone is wearing one of those, it's a truly extraordinary human being that has gone far beyond the call of duty.”

Congratulations to Colorado's extraordinary Art Sickler.  

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