On the Air
“The Constitution” is a radio program on WKDW 97.5 FM that broadcasts out of North Port, Florida. How cool is that?
Three insightful citizens, Darryl Henry, Chuck Ford, and Steve Ulrey, deemed the U.S. Constitution a topic important enough to highlight for Florida listeners. The weekly program airs Monday at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
On January 14th, Region 8 Captain Rick Mikluscak joined the radio-show hosts as a guest for an engaging discussion of the Article V process and Convention of States as an organization.
Article V and COS
The hosts explored the two methods (via Congress or the people) for proposing amendments and noted a resolution brought from the people via state legislatures has not yet been successful in securing an amendment.
Rick was an exceptionally knowledgeable and articulate speaker for COS. He explained that COS is a non-partisan and not-for-profit organization. He also emphasized the big “why” we are doing this, which is to bring power back to the people.
We citizens may have been distracted by our many freedoms to pursue our own happiness and may have unintentionally abdicated some of our responsibilities.
Through the guidance of Mark Meckler, COS inspires Americans to become informed and participate in self-governance. Rick’s definition bears repeating, “self-governance is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.”
The radio program explored the ongoing quest for a Convention of States focusing on three key areas: 1) term limits for federal officials, 2) fiscal restraint, 3) return power to the people through their state legislatures.
The interview was so enlightening that the hosts invited Rick back for a part two which was recorded on January 21st.
How You Can Get Started
For COS volunteers who would like to imitate Rick and generate publicity for COS, he suggests being where our elected officials are.
Since the media follows figures such as politicians, commissioners, and sheriffs, COS volunteers should attend events with these good citizens regardless of political affiliation. Become a known participant and befriend journalists who are present to cover local events.
Rick’s message of success reminds us to depend on and appreciate all our fellow COS volunteers. They guide and educate us in everything from U.S. history, the Constitution, and biblical citizenships, right down to our tricky software applications.
Rick believes our God-given rights come with the invitation to love our neighbors, especially when we’d rather not.
Our natural rights and responsibilities are in perfect harmony with our COS mission to build an engaged grassroots army of self-governing activists. We do that by helping each other.
If you are interested in helping, remember COS in your prayers. If you haven't already signed the petition, please do. If you are a volunteer, think about taking the next step.
FL Region 8 Team Brings Article V to Radio
Published in Blog on January 31, 2022 by Cynthia Kisby