A receptive audience and an encouraging amount of petition signers were found at the first-ever Convention of States promotional event in Michigan held at a gun show.
On March 13 and 14, a dozen COS volunteers gathered at a booth at a gun show in Jackson with the intent of raising awareness for COS.
Over the weekend over 600 brochures were handed out, dozens of conversations about our mission were conducted, and 64 petitions showing their support of our efforts were filled out.
Overall, the vast majority of event attendees were very receptive to the COS message and mission. Most attendees were strong Second Amendment advocates who align with a limited government perspective and were receptive to a “solution as big as the problem.”
Encouraged by the success of the first event, the newly-formed events team has been busily planning the rollout of upcoming events at future guns shows. Stay tuned for those event dates, which should be posted on our events page soon.
The next guns show date is in fact on the calendar, which will be in Novi, Michigan, on April 2-3. Volunteers to cover the event hours (Friday, Noon to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) are welcome and needed even if for only a portion of the time. Interest should be directed to either Bill Pacey william.Pacey@cosaction.com or Rob Borer Robert.borer@cosaction.com.