Did you know that members of Congress continue to receive a salary even during a government shutdown?
That's right, the people responsible for this entire mess don't have to worry about facing the consequences. According to a Congressional Research Service report, "Due to their constitutional responsibilities and a permanent appropriation for congressional pay, Members of Congress are not subject to furlough."
Some Congresspeople decide to give up their paycheck, but others talk a big game without ever confirming where their paycheck went.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was so unconcerned, in fact, she decided to take a vacation last week at a luxury resort in Hawaii.
This debacle is just a small example of a much larger problem. Congress is spending our country into the ground, and many of them won't be around when we fall off the fiscal cliff. They have no incentive to get our fiscal house in order because they can just kick the can down the road until they decide to retire.
Meanwhile, like the 400,000 federal employees without pay, the average American is left holding the bill. Unless we do something, our children and grandchildren will face the consequences of our irresponsible spending.
That's why we believe holding a Convention of States is so vital to the future of our nation. Our elected officials have proven time and again that they're willing to put politics over the American people, and we need to act now before it's too late.
An Article V Convention of States can do what Congress never will: impose fiscal restraints on the federal government via constitutional amendments. These amendments can require the feds to balance the budget without raising taxes, forcing them to cut spending in areas that are duplicative, wasteful, and useless.
We do have a solution as big as the problem in D.C. -- we just have to use it.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to show your support!