Visit our booth and table this Wednesday thru Sunday to explore and learn how we Americans can return to self-governance.
When: Runs 8am to 11:30pm Wednesday July 24, Thursday July 25, Friday July 26, Saturday July 27 and 8am to 9pm Sunday July 28th
Where: Racine County Fairgrounds 19805 Durand Avenue, Union Grove, WI 53182
What: Come visit our table and talk about how we as citizens can affect important changes to our Federal Government. Convention of States Action is all about using Article V of the Constitution. Article V covers who can propose amendments to our Federal Constitution.
Article V says that Congress or our State Legislators can propose amendments to our Federal Constitution. We cannot re-write our Constitution using Article V. Convention of States is all for our Federal Constitution. We see improvements sorely needed to make it better, by proposing amendments limited to these issues listed below.
1)Fiscal Responsibility – Over the years our Federal Government has set up a system to spend any amount of our tax dollars, and much much more. Today the interest to service our National Debt is higher than the amount we spend for our National Defense.
2) Term Limits – Today leaders in our Federal Senate and House have been in the same office for 20-30-40 years! This creates Professional Politicians and over the years their self-interest can morph into selling their influence compromising our self-interest as a country.
Other problems occur due to allowing Professional Politicians to be in office so long. It creates and environment ripe for corruption and other problems.
3) Stop the Overreach – Our Federal Government has grown into a large bureaucracy. Bureaucracies have a life of their own, separate from “We the People”.
For example, when Lenin placed Stalin in charge of the Soviet Union bureaucracy many Russians thought Stalin got the short end of the stick. Others were placed in charge of the Military, Economy, etc. Stalin was seen as getting a minor role in the Soviet Union Central Government.
But as time evolved, it became clear to the everyone that Stalin as head of the bureaucracy amassed great power. He had the power to call meetings and determine the agenda of those meetings. And eventually this power gave Stalin full control when Lenin passed.
Who: Our Wisconsin Team will be manning our table. Including Kimberly Strohrigl, WI State Grassroots Coordinator, and others.
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