Did you know the Department of Defense has an Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
Or that the Department of the Interior has an Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Civil Rights?
Did you know the Central Intelligence Agency embraces and celebrates the fundamental doctrines of critical theory?
Unfortunately, it’s true: the federal government, under President Joe Biden, has gone full-blown woke.
Last summer, Biden signed an executive order on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the federal workforce. Ever since then, each department has been forced to prioritize PC over performance. According to a White House press briefing, “the Federal Government must be a model for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” and “provide resources and opportunities to strengthen and advance” woke social causes.
Yesterday, I reported that the Department of Energy announced it will refuse funding to anyone who fails to outline how they plan to incorporate DIE (diversity, inclusion, and equity) into their scientific research. Today, I probed into what other departments of the federal government are doing to encourage similar practices.
The results were shocking. Here are a few examples (note: a few of these cases preexisted Biden’s presidency):
1. The Department of Defense (DOD)
The DOD’s Military Leadership Diversity Commission put out a report titled “From Representation to Inclusion: Diversity Leadership for the 21st-Century Military,” which propped up diversity as a "vital strategic military resource” and “an explicit core value.” The report chided the military for “low racial/ethnic minority and female presence among initial officer accessions, lower representation of racial/ethnic minority and female officers in career fields associated with advancement to flag/general officer rank, lower retention of midlevel female servicemembers across the enlisted and officer spectrum, and lower rates of advancement among racial/ethnic minority and female officers.”
In June, the DOD hosted an LGBTQ Pride Month event at which the Deputy Secretary of Defense warned about the “host of challenges” facing the nation and suggested that celebrating the LGBTQ community was the key to equipping the military to face those challenges.
2. The Department of the Interior (DOI)
The DOI has identified its Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights as the “focal point for all civil rights, equal opportunity programs, and affirmative employment functions in the Department of the Interior.” It sponsors multiple DIE programs including the Affirmative Employment Program and Public Civil Rights Division.
3. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
The CIA has proliferated its government website with DIE resources and openly asserts its mission is dependent on diversity and inclusion. “At CIA, we don’t just leverage diversity, equity, and inclusion,” their website lauds, “we embrace and celebrate it.” Additionally, the agency “[c]reated new workshops and courses directed at educating CIA professionals about diversity,” and boasts that “officers learned how diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to mission success. . . .”
4. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
The FBI holds diversity as one of its core values. “One of the FBI’s priority initiatives is to build a high-performing, diverse, and inclusive workforce," said Director Christopher Wray. “We all make better decisions when we have the benefit of different perspectives.” To meet those goals, the FBI has a number of DIE initiatives such as The Office of Diversity and Inclusion and The Beacon Project, which aims to “recruit more Asian Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and women.”
Diversity? Or Government-Enforced Discrimination?
These are, unfortunately, only a few of many examples. Nearly every branch of the federal government has bought into the woke PC and proudly says as much.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with diversity when it comes about incidentally. The government can and should end legitimate discrimination as it is antithetical to the American way. But to make diversity mandatory is, in a roundabout way, simply rebranding and reintroducing compulsory discrimination.
Besides, our government rules–or is at least supposed to rule–by the consent of the governed. To throw taxpayer dollars behind meaningless diversity, inclusion, and equity programs, offices, and causes the American people do not support is deeply and immorally wasteful.
It’s time for We the People to stand up and make our voices heard. Convention of States offers us the best mechanism for taking power back from our out-of-touch federal government and returning it to the states.
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EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Deep dive reveals just how 'woke' federal government has become
Published in Blog on October 12, 2022 by Jakob Fay