In February 2021, Evie Brennan arrived at the Wyoming state capitol in Cheyenne. An Article V Convention of States resolution was up for a critical vote, and she was eager to show her support. Accompanied by fellow COS supporters and one of her four kids, Evie wanted her nine-year-old daughter to see first-hand how the government process worked.
To their dismay, the resolution was “annihilated.” “It wasn’t even close. It was very much voted down,” she said.
And while Evie was disappointed that the resolution had failed, she said watching the process had exhilarated her. When she by chance met Senator Rick Santorum, who had also come to support the COS resolution, he suggested that she should run for state legislature. At first, she was unconvinced.
“I looked at him, and I laughed,” Evie recalled. Although she was mulling over the possibility of running for school board, the prospect of becoming a state legislator was more than she was ready for.
By May, however, God had changed her mind. “I filed to run for election and decided that the right thing to do was run…. It was very God-directed.”
In November, Evie, who only months earlier had laughed off the possibility of running, was elected to the Wyoming Senate to represent District 31, receiving 3,807 votes.
“It’s a little bit surreal still,” she admitted, two weeks after assuming office, “but I’ve learned a lot. It’s been incredible… to really be a voice for Wyoming and the people of Wyoming.”
A third-generation Wyoming native, Evie is ultimately motivated by a desire to preserve the state for her children. She said she finds hope in watching other like-minded patriots rise up to get more involved in politics, just as she did.
“A year ago, it wasn’t even on my radar to get involved in government like this… [but] I think God is raising up and calling, and that there is still that remnant of conservatives – even if a few of us are that voice – so that everybody else can peacefully live their lives.”
“I’m fighting for my kids and their generation. My grandparents and their grandparents have all been a voice for the next generation and fought to try and keep this country what it was intended to be by our Founding Fathers. I think that we have a duty and an obligation to do that same thing for our next generation.”
Although she believes the vote will be close, Evie has “high hopes” that the COS resolution will pass this legislative session. “We are in a better position this time than we were a year ago,” she noted optimistically. She expressed a readiness to get to work and defend the freedoms of her state and country’s next generation.
Senator Evie Brennan’s story is a powerful reminder of the power of everyday Americans when they choose to get involved. With over five million patriots, Convention of States’ self-governing army of grassroots activists is the largest in American history. Daily, we are fighting to call the first-ever Convention of States and save freedom for the next generation of Americans. To join us, sign the Convention of States petition below.
EXCLUSIVE: COS volunteer recalls how Sen. Santorum convinced her to run for office
Published in Blog on January 26, 2023 by Jakob Fay