Convention of States Action is pleased to announce that Representative Josh Brecheen (R-OK) has officially endorsed our historic initiative to drain the D.C. Swamp using Article V of the Constitution. As a patriot committed to constitutional principles and limited government who has personally seen the corruption within our federal government, Brecheen knows as well as anyone just how crucial Article V is.
“For the last few decades, we have seen unelected bureaucrats subvert the will of the people and pass new rules and regulations without even consulting Congress or state and local governments,” he said in his endorsement statement. “This ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach from Washington goes completely against the Constitution and what our Founders intended for our country. Today, I am proud to endorse the Convention of States to limit the power of the federal government and return the power back to the people.”
Through an Article V convention, given to us by our Founders, the states can limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials. Frustrated at Washington's refusal to give up its power, many Americans have turned to Convention of States as the only viable political remedy for federal corruption and tyranny. Thirty-four states are needed to call a convention; 19 are already onboard.
Congressman Brecheen's endorsement of Convention of States is a significant milestone in the ongoing battle to restore the balance of power between the states and the federal government. It reflects a deep commitment to constitutional principles and a belief in the importance of limiting government overreach. As this movement gains traction, it serves as a powerful reminder that the American people have the ability to shape the future of their country and safeguard the principles upon which it was built.
Representative Brecheen joins the ever-growing list of nationally-known freedom fighters and patriots who have affixed their signatures to the Article V solution. See our full list of endorsers here. To join them in their support, sign the Convention of States petition below and get involved today.
Convention of States clinches exciting new endorsement
Published in Blog on October 04, 2023 by Jakob Fay