Convention of States President Mark Meckler has often told the story of Levi Preston, a Captain in the War for Independence who survived the early battles of Lexington and Concord.
Decades later, in 1843, when asked why he had taken up arms against the British, the old farmer replied, “what we meant in going for those Redcoats was this: we always had been free, and we meant to be free always. They didn’t mean we should.”
Most people wouldn’t recognize Preston’s name. History books overlook his story. And yet he was an American hero nonetheless - a hero who represents millions of unknown patriots without whom America would not exist today.
Whether on the field of battle, in the home, from the pulpit, or within the halls of their state legislatures, these everyday American heroes have always fought for this country and continue to do so - not for fame or historical recognition but simply because it is their patriot duty.
These people “are the fabric of America,” said Mark Meckler. “We read American history and we read Washington and Adams and Jefferson…. We know those stories but we don’t know the stories of the average people who made America so extraordinary.”
But just because history forgets their names doesn’t mean that we can forget their sacrifices. We must remember that these people are the lifeblood of our great nation, the heroes that make all the difference.
“I’m just a guy,” Mark noted. “What could I possibly do? And then I think about Levi Preston…. I could be Levi Preston because I can govern myself. And when the time comes, I can stand and I can fight.”
“Every time this country is in crisis, Levi Preston stands. One and then tens and then hundreds and then thousands and then tens of thousands and millions, and Levi Preston stands and leads the charge on the battlefield. And that’s who you are. And that’s your heritage. And that belongs to you.”
Convention of States is proud of its grassroots, honored to lock shields with present-day Levi Prestons. Every day, these incredible patriots are hard at work changing the course of history. They deserve, as Thomas Paine wrote of early American soldiers, “the love and thanks of man and woman.”
COS seeks to end federal tyranny, but we can’t do it without the self-governing army of grassroots activists. Add your name to our ever-growing list of supporters (already five million strong) by signing the petition below!
Everyday American Heroes
Published in Blog on July 06, 2022 by Jakob Fay